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Women’s Venture Competition

The annual AIM-HI Women’s Venture Competition provides critical early-stage funding for women entrepreneurs in oncology. The winning company is eligible to receive up to a $1 million equity investment from AIM-HI and co-investors, subject to due diligence, to fund pre-clinical investigations. Ultimately, this financing helps to bring next-generation therapeutics, diagnostics, and prevention technologies to patients.

The deadline to apply for the 2024 Competition was March 15. All valid applications are being reviewed and screened by our Selection Committee based on the quality of responses, and semi-finalists will be announced around late April or early May.

Committee Members
2024 AVC Committee
2023 Competition
AIM-HI slider (1)
Prior Competitions
AIM-HI WVC 20-22

In addition to seed-stage financing, AIM-HI provides other essential resources to participating startups, including:


A startup’s success depends on its leadership. We match highly coachable female scientist-entrepreneurs with experienced industry leaders to improve their chance of success.


We focus on developing time-efficient, strategic connections by helping women scientist-entrepreneurs build out their teams.


AIM-HI is part of a global network of innovators, investors, and influencers in the oncology subsector of the life sciences industry. We utilize this network for investment and market expansion purposes for our selected woman scientist-entrepreneurs.

Support Our Mission

Together, we can make the next generation of cancer treatments a reality.

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