In 1975 the United Nations General Assembly designated March 8 as International Women’s Day. While the original focus was about celebrating the economic, political, and social achievements of women, to many this has become simply an occasion for men to express their love and appreciation for women, a combination of Valentine’s Day and Mother’s day, and to take a day off….. 

Women ARE making a difference; we are celebrating about Women’s Progress and Power!  But any celebration should be about how much still needs to be done!  And to make that happen the AIM-HI Accelerator Fund is launching the 2020 Women’s Venture Competition, giving women in the business of science opportunities to have an impact in making scientific innovation a reality.  

Scientific innovation is about pushing the boundaries of medicine which comes with a great deal of risk.

AIM-HI Accelerator Fund and the National Foundation for Cancer Research who provided the initial funding to establish the AIM-HI-Accelerator Fund, are catalysts for innovative scientific discoveries, able to leverage unique access to leading scientists at universities/research hospitals, biotech/pharmaceutical executives, venture capital investors, and charities/government funding agencies so we would collaborate and accelerator early stage oncology startups.

The AIM-HI’s Women Venture Competition provides critical early stage funding, inputs, training, expertise, networking and exposure-generating opportunities for female-led start-ups developing effective therapies, diagnostics, preventive measures and other technologies combating cancer. 

The AIM-HI’s Women’s Venture Competition recognizes and champions achievements by women in science; the 2020 AIM-HI’s Women’s Venture Competition award ceremony event will be at the Harvard Medical School | Joseph B. Martin Conference Center and I promise it will be a dynamic and interactive summit, an unforgettable experience that will drive progress and connect leading changemakers in cancer research. 

AIM-HI Accelerator Fund is inviting applications for female-led, team-approached, oncology-focused startups to apply.  

The AIM-HI Accelerator Fund will review eligible applications; finalists will then be invited to:

  • Compete for cash prizes and the opportunity to receive up to $300,000 in investment from AIM-HI;        
  • Be evaluated by and receive valuable feedback from a world-class panel of biotechnology, pharmaceutical and cancer technology figures and investors;
  • Have a face-to-face meeting with program director of NCI Small Business Innovation Research Development for advice to better apply for NCI SBIR grants to early stage oncology companies;
  • Network and interact with industry decision makers and researchers from around the world; 
  • Obtain business and idea-validating exposure for their early stage companies and ventures
  • Have access to complementary accelerator boot-camp training offered by renowned service provider Springboard Enterprises; 

The 2020 Women’s Venture Competition is about giving innovative women in the business of science opportunities today.  This is an award that will make a difference for all of us tomorrow.  The deadline is May 15!  

Many conferences and events have been cancelled or been rescheduled because of the Covid-19 pandemic. We are closely monitoring updates and recommendations from the CDC and will adjust the AIM-HI” Women Venture Competition pitch date to ensure a safe and meaningful experience for all.  

Stay tuned for the final competition date!  So help spread the word, take action!  Let’s help make the 2% funded women-led ventures a history!